DANTAS, George A. F.; FERREIRA, Angela Lúcia; FARIAS, Hélio T. M. . Planning against droughts: a spatial dimension on the combat against droughts in the Brazilian northeast. In: 13th International Planning History Society Conference, 2008, Chicago. 13th International Planning History Society Conference, 2008. p. 1-17.

Coordenação: George Alexandre Ferreira Dantas; Angela Lucia Ferreira; Hélio Takashi Maciel de Farias
Período: 2008

(Trabalho apresentado no 13th International Planning History Society Conference)

The systematic knowledge and control over national territories was essential in the context of the formation and consolidation of modern nations in the nineteenth century. Brazil, and Latin America as a whole, was no exception to this. Legal changes in land regulation; reforms in port areas; efforts towards the creation of laws and nationwide government action in the sanitary, military, commercial and other fields; demographic pressures; diversification of the productive system; the construction of an encompassing transportation system, etc.; are some of the issues inherent to this process.
